Real vs Ideal

Recently there was a lot of questioning and poking around my views on age of consent, so I want to sum up all I believe in up to date. Before I do that, I need to say that due to how I divide all my projects into realizable in the nearest future and those I'd actually prefer to take place, I need to talk both about real and ideal scenarios.

Real. I believe that age of consent should be set at the universal of 16 all around the world. No exceptions with parental agreement, no exceptions for same sex couples. Romeo and Juliet laws will allow couples where one person is slightly over 16 and another slightly below (say, 15 and 18) to be together. There will be no prosecution of similar age partners who enter a sexual relationship, no matter how young the age, even though at some point they'll have to be advised to delay it. A distinction will be made between CSEI (visual depictions of CSA) and nudes made by teens for private use, while the latter will still be illegal to spread on a global scale, the maker will never hold any legal responsibility. Violators of the laws will be judged according to their own age and the age of the victim, and also the severity of the assault. But nothing like the registry should exist, and there needs to be a stronger push for rehabilitation rather than prosecution. Note that I'm aware this will demand intervention with laws of most countries, as too many have aoc set below 15, or allow child marriage with parental consent, or prosecute same sex couples below 18, or put children on sex offender registry for being with similar age children (yes, I am vagueing USA here). It all will have to go. And I'm ready to work on it, as I have zero respect for laws and cultures that violate human rights.

Ideal. The ideal scenario brings in more nuance that I omit in my realistic aspirations, because I know that in the current state of events the nuance can be easily abused. First and the most important distinction is that there should be recognition of cases when a person above 16 cannot consent due to personal development (I don't mean mental illnesses, because people who can't consent due to mental health will already be protected), and there should be legal protection for such people, up to the age of, say, 21 (because if you can't consent at 21, it already places your condition in a category of a symptom of some illness). Upon reaching adulthood, people should be legally allowed to distribute erotic content they made of themselves at younger age. Prisons should be abolished, and all criminals should be directly placed in therapy. I don't believe these things are achievable in near future, because they can easily be twisted around to prevent capable people of marriage and keep them in abusive households, and to try to sneak actual CSEI under pretense of adult consent. Abolition of prisons is a long process that should start right now.